Friday, August 27, 2010

A Change of Heart, A Change of Clothes...

Arriving in Kolkata, my heart was racing with excitement, with anticipation of what was going to happen next, how in the WORLD I was going to make it to the Missionaries of Charity, and probably also from the caffeine in the hot tea I had had on the plane! Also, it was QUITE a bit hotter in Kolkata then it was in Bangalore, so now I was starting to see what people meant by India being hot! I found a prepaid taxi place, which I thought would be easier to deal with, since there are so many taxi drivers looking for white people to rip off outside! I didn't get much direction from them as to what I needed to do after I walked outside, so I just winged it! I brought all my bags out the exit and walked down the line of people holding signs until a short, but persistent man asked me for my paper, and then grabbed it and my bags and motioned me to follow him. I did, because I saw the line of yellow taxis he was leading me to. I was just praying that God would get me there safely! When my bags were loaded in the taxi, he asked for a tip, because apparently he was not with the taxi company, he just helped people get their baggage to the taxi (which I could have done myself), but since I had fallen for it, and they HAD helped me, I paid them a tip, and then the driver came over, asked for my slip and the address. I showed him (because I had written it down), and he didn't know where it was! He had to run inside and ask, but then he came back, seeming pretty confident. While he was inside, an old woman approached my car and asked for money (my first experience with beggars here), and I gave her just a little, but she didn't seem satisfied, so I was just praying the driver came back, because I knew if he didn't I might give away all I had! The drive over was interesting, and we went from the "nice" city to the slums in all around 35-40 minutes! I took a short video of the traffic and of the streets, so I will hopefully be able to upload them at some point!!!...

When I arrived at the Mother Home, I got out of the taxi and there was a little girl there name Nayha there to meet me! She was wearing a school outfit, so I thought she was just part of the orphanage, but she had a woman with her, so I thought they might be mother and daughter. They took my bags up to the front door of the Mother Hoe, but I was about an hour and a half early for my "meeting" with Sister Mercy Maria, so they told me to go settle in my hotel and then come back. Well, I did not have reservations, because that was something I was hoping to discuss with the Sister. But, the little girl, Nayha suggested the BMS, and said she would take me there! What a little blessing! Her and the woman took my stuff down the street about 3 blocks to this hotel! When we got there, I paid the little girl some money, because they had been so kind to help me! I was just so grateful! They did not have many rooms available, but they said I could stay in the "dorm style" room, so I took it, not even knowing price or anythign about this place. I just wanted to feel settled, though! They took me to this room, and when i walked in there was 8 twin beds all pretty close, and two bathrooms! I was PLEASED to be there, because there were fans too! They told me that their check in lady was out to lunch but would come get me checked in soon! I sat down, took a deep breath, and then tried to just nap a little before I was to meet with the sister!

About an hour later, the woman showed up and had me come sign in. I saw above my name there was a girl who had just signed in from Kansas who was staying there as well, but I didn't know she was in my room too! I thought I was alone! Then, the woman told me of all the things the hotel offered, and I just began to feel SO much better! I also had just said to God earlier in my room, "LORD, I don't even know where I am going to get food or clean water to drink!"...and as she was talking, she said that the hotel offered lunch and dinner at a small extra price, and al the clean drinking water that I could have! Blessing!!!...When I went back to the room, I realized a poster on the wall with Romans 5:1 written out on it! then there was also an informational book for Christians on Islam, so I knew the pace I was staying in was good!!

I then walked outside to go to the Mother Hoe again to meet Sister Mercy maria, and the little girl and the woman were standing there! They wanted me to go buy milk for their little babies...long story short, I found out that they were professional beggars and the only reason they help white people is to say, we helped, not \\w you pay! The crazy thing is, they don't ask for money, they ask for food or milk...I felt so bad, but I had to go to the meeting, so they said they would wait! Oh gosh! I did not prepare myself for the sights of the poor on the street. I mean, I don't think you really can prepare yourself fully for this! It was just so different and more difficult than my little compassionate heart could handle!

I walked in the Mother House and realized there was some sort of celebration going on, and non one really seemed to be helpful at all. Everyone I asked said they didn't know or they didn't really seem interested in helping me find Sister Mercy Maria. One kind sister tried to give me direction, but apparently there was no registration that day, so I ended up watching the little puppet show that the sisters put on for the children about the life of Mother Teresa, because the next day (August 26) would have been Mother Teresa's 100th birthday. I don't know what it is about me traveling at the times of all these holidays and celebrations! I need to start checking that out before I go! Anyways, it was so cute, and the children loved it! After, I walked out, headed for the hotel and didn't see Nayha or the woman, so I tried to go fast. As I was about halfway there, though, I saw them walking 2 other white girls, and when they saw me, you could tell that they knew I had figured out their little scheme. So, I began walking a little faster, but another little girl had come up to me asking for milk, and I tried to refuse, but then the woman came back and caught up with me. They were both asking for milk, so I ended up caving and buying two milks, one for each, but the woman took both! I felt so bad, but an Indian man looked at me, and just signaled for me to just go. I have never seen such SAD faces in my life! They have definitely been practicing them for a while! I learned later that some of these children have even dropped out of school to become professional beggars, because it makes better money! How SAD!!...anyways, I turned around, and started to tear up, but I was determined to get to my hotel before i started to cry! A little boy approached me, but I just said, "No, sorry, no", and at that moment, my dad called, and I answered but said I couldn't talk at the moment (little did I know, the reason he was calling was because y text saying I had made it safe to Kolkata did not get through-and ALL of my texts have gone through so far- so he wanted to make sure I had gotten there alright! Coincidence, I think NOT!!!). I got back to my hotel and just let it all go! I was bawling my eyes out...and at that moment, I felt just so alone! I called my dad back though, when I had regained composure, and talked for a little, cried a little, but it was a short, yet encouraging conversation and exactly what the LORD had planned. Then, he called my mom, who texted Steven, who texted me (I'm starting to see this family chain thing going on a lot, but I love it! Hahaha! :) ) Steven was able to call me and talk for a little while, and it was so good for my heart to hear his voice! He knew exactly what to say, and God just gave me so much comfort in reminding me that I was NOT AT ALL alone! Steven even made me laugh, which was just what I needed! Then, I just sat in the room, reading, praying, writing! I found comfort in knowing too, that my dad had experienced something similar and my mom had been up all night praying for me! At around 8:30, my roommate came in!

Her name is Marjorie, and she is SUCH a blessing and joy from the LORD! She is a lot like me, just graduated and all, only she is here for 3 months!! We talked about ourselves and just things until 11PM that night! Also, by this point I had come to realize that God had planned for me to get to this hotel, for me to meet Marjorie, and for the next day to e a day of rest!

I woke up the next morning, having slept so well in peace! I had breakfast, and met two lovely English girls named Hannah and Ruth! They were both volunteering at another place, but they were so fun to talk to and get to know! I am actually going to dinner with them in a few minutes, so I need to hurry! Then, we went to mass at 10, and it had been a while since I had been to a proper mass! It was just insane with hoe many people were there, because of Mother Teresa's birthday and all! There were news crews and photographers all over the place! After mass, Marjorie and I met up with a girl named Ciara (pronounced Key-ah-ruh). She is from Ireland and had been there 3 years ago for a year, so she knew the area and was going to take us around the city to do some shopping and just have a relaxing day! We had lunch, then went for coffee at a place much like Starbucks(I QUITE enjoyed that!!)! Then, I bought some Indian pants, that are SOO much lighter than the skirts I brought to wear, and are so much cooler to wear in this weather! Then, we talked about how we are going to celebrate my birthday (with getting a Henna tattoo!!!...and they want me to pierce my nose too, which I am saying no, but they already have it set in their minds-please pray that I wont have to! Haha! :) ). Next we walked to Elliott Park (aka "Couple's Park), and it was hard seeing all the couples, because it made me miss Steven! But, then we went to the Victorian Memorial and rested for a bit on the grass. Once we got back to the hotel, I was able to freshen up, then we went to get some chicken egg rolls on the street! They are literally, chicken and egg, with green peppers and onions, wrapped up in a a chapatti(like a tortilla). It was SO good! I got mine spicy! Then, we headed in for bed! I was INCREDIBLY grateful for Ciara, because she just seemed to know so much about how to deal with beggars, and just street smart skills! I really have enjoyed her, AND her Irish accent!!! :)

This morning, I woke up, went to breakfast! There I met a sweet woman named, Kelly who was from CA, and she just happened to be traveling the world for the next 6 months and would be leaving Kolkata on next Saturday to go to PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA!! Are you kidding me?!?!...She would be there at the same time as me, and did not have a place to stay, so I am going to see if Dani will have anywhere to suggest! How fun, though! Then, I got to read a little, take a little nap, and write in the new journal I just got! It came just in time, because I had just finished my second here! Then, at 1, Ciara came for us to get lunch, we had Dolsa on the street, at one of her favorite vendors, then, grabbed some fruit and milk to go! We went back to her little hotel and sat outside in the heat and drank hot coffee while eating fruit! It was just wonderful! At 3 ,we went and had orientaion/registration.

I had originally thought I wanted to work with the kids in the orphanage, but when I was going through the descriptions of the different places, I just lit up when I came to "Kalighat" (the Home for the Destitute and Dying)! It is the original house that Mother Teresa started! It is basically a place where people go to die! Our guide, named Will Conquer, came over and asked where I wanted to go, and I told him, Kalighat! He said that is where he was volunteering and stated that it is probably the hardest house to go to, but that it was just so worth it, especially if I was only going to be there for a week. He talked about how people come, dying of diseases or malnutrition and just have such looks of distraught on their little faces, because they do not know what is going to happen to them after they die! They have NO HOPE!! Then, Will spoke of how they just seem to gain joy and peace when we get to tell them about the salvation that Jesus offers!!!! He stated it will drain you and it is stressful at times, but the reward is so FAR greater!

I CANNOT WAIT to be drained forteh glory of Jesus! THIS is why He had me wake up a while back and pray for my journey! THIS is why He got me here and did have me register yet! THIS is why I had an extra day and a half to pray and rest! He was preparing the way for me to go serve him among the dying and destitute! I know this will be challenging, I know my little heart is just going to break for these people who are suffering, but I literally get to be a light in the darkness, share the sweetness of my LORD, and bring hope to the hopeless! Eph. 6:19 is my prayer, once again, and for always!!! I am SO thankful for this opportunity to serve! Please pray for these next few days! God is going to provide more than I can imagine, I am sure!

Sorry this was so long, but once again, God is just working so clearly, daily, and I cannot help but share and give glory to His name!!! :)


  1. oh, wow!!! i loved reading every word...except the occasional misspellings of "hoe" instead of home or how...tee hee! you always bring me a smile with your writing, but of course i always have tears too! i am so thankful that God is covering you with His protection because you are so very trusting in people and they could easily walk you into danger, but i continue to pray for our Lord and Savior to watch over you! i love how the Lord saved you for the Kalighat area of the hospital, but of course, your momma worries, but again i am comforted to know God is still watching over you there too! please keep us updated....God continues to have me waking up to pray for you my precious girl! i continue to be amazed at how God is having you be His hands and feet! i love you, my Meggie girl! momma

  2. Sweet Meg....God prompted me to call your mom the morning you were talking to your dad on the phone as soon as I pulled into work....I just thought I was calling to say HE and you are getting one call today when no one wants anything!!!! To my surprise God was telling me that I needed to be praying for you. Thank you for telling your story....I love reading even when it is lengthy...HEHEHE you have always been a girl of many words and lots of JOY!!!! How wonderful that you are able to share both.
    I am always praying for you!!!! Keep us up to date and keep your eyes on the Lord....your continual strength!!!

    Love you
