Friday, August 13, 2010

Indescribable Joy and comfort...His supply never runs dry!

Who would have thought that a room full of sick babies and dirty exam rooms could bring so much joy?!?!...but I have come to learn that where the LORD is, joy follows! We are called to rejoice in Him always, are we not?!?...

So, today began off with a privalege to attend Friday chapel with my roommate that I have failed to mention. She came two nights ago. Her name is Lorna, and she is a 50-something Scottish woman who is a chaplain at a hospital back home. She is studying the Indian way of thought, along with teaching some classes at the Theological College here! say in the least, she is pretty legit, and easy going, like me! During chapel, they talked about community. I think the message was a little off, but one thing I know for sure is that when he read God's Word from Romans, it did not return void to the ears that heard it! After the service, we were taken down to the new storage room that they just recently had built! I cannot even begin to describe what the LORD revealed to me in such a short moment. The pastor just talked about the storage room and how GRATEFUL they were to have it, while ALL of the people who had attended chapel weree squished together in the hallway (I'm sure it was a fire hazard, but they didn't seem to care). Then, he prayed a prayer of thanks to God, and we walked through it, singing. I have never been in such a small storage room in my life, and yet, they are so thankful for the blessing of it. They might not have all the resources to heal a person physically at this hospital, but they most deinitely know the Ultimate Healer, and know they can ask anything in His name, and He will not hold back! They are so bent on praying, which I have come to see creates such a spirit of humilty and an attitude of thankfulness for what you have! On this little high of Jesus, I was taken to the Pallaitive Care office and told that I would be able to go with the team on Monday to visit the homes and help treat those who are too sick to make it to the hospital! It is going to be an all day adventure! I was SO PUMPED, it was REDICULOUS!!...But, since they weren't going today, I was able to head over to the PEDIATRIC area! It is times like these that God makes it so clear that I am to work with children. The waiting room was PACKED, and babies were crying and were sick, but since God had given filled me overflowing with joy already that morning, I was able to spill over on a few of the least of these. Once again, I was doing more observing, but I didn't mind, as long as I got to see little saddened faces light up, with a simple smile from me.

I got to help comfort one little baby boy in particular that was having his blood drawn, and after it was done, and his mother came in, she tried to speak to me in the little English that she knew. This consisted of "Hello. How are you?...Did you get your breakfast?", and the like. Sidenote. I am beginning to catch on to this Indian culture. They ask me a lot about my food, my breakfast and my lunch, as if they are making sure I am taken care of, but also, I feel it is one of the main English phrases they know. Also, there is the head bobble from side to side to indicate "okay" or "yes". They don't use a nod. Also, they don't hug, but there is a lot of arms and hand touching. And, since I am American, they like to stare A LOT!...I am getting used to all of this, so be aware if I come home bobbling my head and asking how your breakfast was, while holding your hand! Haha!....okay, back to the story. After dressing her baby, she took my hand and put it on his head, and then placed her hands together in a praying motion. So, I prayed. It was such a sweet moment for me. I don't know if she knew I loved Jesus or if she just assumed that because I was American I would pray for him, but either way, I was glad to! I found out later that his name was Canaan, like in the Bible (that's what she told me). After saying my goodbye, I headed out to the front of the pedi center, and noticed a little boy with his family. I gave him a "surprised" look with my mouth open and he found it HILARIOUS!, he started doing it back to me, so I would do it, and then he laughed histerically! I loved it! We played for a while, until he was called back. At that time, two little girls came down the hall, and I was able to play patty cake with them until they were called back as well. Overall, I did a lot of playing, and comforting little babies! What a WONDERFUL day!!

So, I am now becoming more comfortable in this hospital, finding my way around, and not afraid to ask questions or to help out when I can! God is giving me joy abounding! His well never runs dry! What a SWEET BLESSING it is to be able to touch these little ones and do something that might seem so meaningless, yet even if it had no impact on them, God is using it to change my heart!

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